Jan 08, 2006, 09:18 AM // 09:18
Krytan Explorer
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Lornars Spawns Suck?
W running analysis of Lornars.
I started this in the private section of LBSRA in hopes of getting us to a 100% no questions asked pass through Lornar's. For those of you that have heard of the LBS Running Academy www.lbsra.net you know that we are some of the best runners in the game. Yes we have some problems running the worst chaser spawns through Lornar's (though we have our own ways of getting customers through without much time and it is very rare that our graduated runners require a respawn when running this section). My hopes in moving this post to the gwguru home is that I will get many responses from the community in a short time. I am testing a theory that will need many attempts to get the full details. I know that what I am posting is not 100% (remember the word theory). This post should get you started. Please respond in detail your run and use the boss / no boss as the title. Also include Hard, Medium, or easy in your opinion. These results are based on my own few attempts. I wont ask for the build you used though it would help in determining if the run was hard due to your skill set or not. I sincerely hope that we can solve lornars and find a way to recognize spawns based on the boss and 1st section of the run.
Starting Post:
Originally Posted by Me Nofat
Well I have run Lomars about 100 times over the last 5 days and I am starting to notice that the spawns are not random. Let me clarify. They are random (which one you get) but the placement of monsters in the section b4 the 1st cave will tip the hat to which spawn you have. For instance if you have more than 3 in the 1st set (like some Averica) then you have the worst spawn possible until you get to the Troll caves (which you probably won't make). After the Troll caves with that spawn it is a very easy run. If you get the normal spawn (i.e. three in the 1st set and can run up the right side all the way to the caves w/o slowing) then you will see 1-2 worms at the beginning or end of the cave. If they are at the end of the cave then at least 1 will follow you all the way up to the top of the hill and your safe rest point is after the grawl and b4 you enter the Troll cave. If they are at the front of the worm tunnel then you have the normal run that we all hope for. The other 'main' spawn that I see is basically a dodge fest to get into the worm cave. On this spawn you will get 2-3 worms at the mouth of the cave with Pine and Ice Golems at the back. This is one of the 2 hardest spawns to beat in my opinion.
Maybe you find the same thing or maybe you don't. I am convinced that the spawns while random can be figured out before you enter the 1st cave. Strategies for each spawn (i.e. timing for skills and movement) can be worked out to perfection.
These "random" spawns have to be noticeable.
Post 2:
Originally Posted by Me Nofat
I did a few solo and a few with ***(name removed)*** this morning.
From what I can tell there are 9 total spawns. I am calling these NB (no boss), The Quickroot Dodge, and The Poisonbough Siege. Each boss or NB has 3 spawns. Easy, Medium, and Hard. These terms are relative to the boss.
You find the boss by looking up at the start while enchanting yourself. He is (or isn't) above the respawn point. Just hold ctrl.
.....There are certain creature mixes to each of the 3 categories for each of the three bosses. This is going to get detailed and need a lot of testing to prove or disprove. I will tell you that there is a pattern. Narrowing down the exacts will be hard.
Post 3:
Originally Posted by Me Nofat
Here is what I have found so far.
The Quickroot Dodge: Easy version
When you exit Beacons and look up you will see the boss Quickroot you will know that you are in for a dodge fest if you waste any time so get moving. You can usually dodge the sets of monsters on the way to the 1st cave easily if you don't slow down. I would recommend not stopping at the small area where you wait for the imp patrol. If you are moving you will beat them into the cave. You will have 6 Averica and 1 worm at the front of the 1st cave. The back of the cave is a safe area. This run is easy from here. If you get delayed at the beginning the run gets harder. You will have to dodge all of the groups as they spread out to cover almost the entire passable area in front of the cave. The Averica at the cave entrance will also spread out to cover the entire inside of the cave and not allow you the safe area at the back. We will map this run more in the coming days. I am still looking for a way to notice this spawn from the other Quickroot spawns. There has to be 1 distinguishing factor or the Quickroot runs will be used as a respawn trigger for us.
Quickroot Dodge: Medium Version
Not sure that I have ran this yet.
Quickroot Dodge: Hard - Impossible
Like all Quickroot runs you should be fast out of the gate or you will have monsters all over the map. Dodging just to enter the 1st cave becomes a challenge with this spawn. When you look up Quickroot is with 3 Ice Imps. To your left are one Pine and 2 Imps. To your right you will have 2 imps and 2 pines. Behind the group of I/P you will have a patrol of 2 siege and 2 Averica followed by a patrol of 4 imps. Your best bet is to start fast and stay right though the 1st area and start dodging to the left as you get closer to the 1st cave. You will find the normal patrol of Ice imps in front of the cave with 2 pines off to the far left of the map. There are 2 worms starting at the front of the cave that follow you all the way out the back of the cave. Inside the cave there are 3 Averica. Exiting the cave you will find 2 siege and 2 pines and one Averica that cannot be avoided. I died here so I have to finish this one off.
No Boss: Easy
In general I would say that the no boss runs are the easiest of the runs. The hard is still hard but more on a level with the medium difficulty runs. There will be 2 imps and 2 pines down the R side of the path upon exiting Beacons. Follow the R side up to the small area where you wait for the imp patrol in front of the cave. There will be a group of 4 imps and possibly a siege on the opposite side of the rest area. Swing left and follow the path into the cave avoiding the imp patrol. When approaching the cave there will be a pine and an imp on your left. There will be 2 worms going through the cave. On the few times I ran this spawn the Averica were at the back of the cave and there was a safe spot at the top right on exit. On the way to the top of the troll caves b4 you enter (safe point) I passed 2 siege and 2 pine on my R which were easy to avoid and 9 grawl which you can easy sprint through. At the back b4 going up the hill there are stone summit and a dolyak. I did not run the back end of this spawn when mapping this out.
No Boss: Medium & Hard still need to be found
The Poisonbough Siege: Easy
The Poisonbough Siege: Medium
When you look up you will see Poisonbough and 1 imp. This is a normal run until the 1st cave. That means 3-4 at the 1st group with 1-2 imps and 2 pines. Nothing until the imp patrol that you follow into the cave. It should be noted that if you waste 20 seconds or more at the spawn you will have to do some dodging. Wait on the imp patrol and follow them into the cave. The worm will attack somewhere near the middle or back of the cave. This is a chaser worm and there is no safe area until you are rdy to enter the troll cave. There will be siege and pines to work around until you start up the hill leading to the troll cave. I haven't done much mapping on this yet.
The Poisonbough Siege: Hard
There are 2 pine and 2 imps to the R after exiting Beacons. Poisonbough is with 3 imps. Behind the pine and imps on the R there are 2 guile, 1 brave, 1 ardent, and 1 fierce Averica. There is also a patrol behind them of 5 siege that move from left to right. You must not waste time on this spawn if you want to survive hug the R side and do your best Barry Sanders until you get to the normal rest point by the imp patrol in front of the cave. This area you will have to be patient as there are 10 imps 1 pine and the patrol spread out. Do not use your charge, sprint, or balanced until you get hit by the worm or later if you can wait... you will need them once in the cave. This worm will attack you far from the cave opening (usually while you are trying to dodge the moving monsters and the imp patrol. Once inside the cave the worm will turn into 2 worms about 1/4 the way through just in time for you to start taking damage from 6 Averica. Balanced stance and a charge are critical to you making it away from the cave. There are 2 pines and 2 siege to dodge at the back of the cave.....sadly this is where I die on this spawn almost 90% of the time.
The Clobberhusk Quickie: Easy
I have only run this spawn for Clobberhusk since I started tracking the patterns. This is by far my favorite spawn. There will be 1 pine and 1 imp to the R when you exit. You should encounter an early worm after following the patrol. Just run this worm until the 2nd joins in or you have entered the cave. This is a long worm chaser and the only hard part of the entire run. In the cave there will be minimal Averica (3 if I remember). The back of the cave has 2 siege and 2 pines. The run is easy from here.
We will do our best to map and verify that my findings are not just chance. There are at least 10 different spawns with 3 levels of difficulty (actually 5 but that is a longer theory). For now we will focus on detailing the best possible (noticeable) spawn when you exit Beacons. After that we will map the rest.
Please add what you have found and we will consider all the data.
That is all I have. I hope that many of you test and post. What I have above might help some but I do not feel like I am selling out Beacons runners by posting it because this is very far from complete.
Last edited by Me NoFat; Jan 08, 2006 at 09:20 AM // 09:20..
Jan 08, 2006, 12:32 PM // 12:32
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Aug 2005
Guild: Eternal Comrades
Profession: E/Mo
I ran a few test runs, up as far as the troll cave, here's my observations:
First Run: Poisonbough (Hard) - My observations were similar to yours in terms of the spawns. I had the golems and pinesouls a little deeper than where you said they were and managed to sneak by without getting caught.
Second Run: No Boss (Hard) - There were 3 imps and a pinesoul where the boss normally is, and two imps and two pinesoul to the right. There were very few spawns in the early part. I followed the imp patrol in and got past without any difficulty, but the first wurm will hit quite a ways outside the cave. The second one is right near the entrance. All the avicara were in a big group in the middle of the cave, and the pinesouls and golems (I think 2 and 3 respectively) were outside. At least one wurm was and the aviraca were still chasing me out the cave. Died there.
Third Run: Poisonbough (Easy?) - Poisonbough and 3 imps to start. One imp and one pinesoul on the right. Follow the imps to the cave. Two wurms fairly near the entrance, avicara about 2/3 of the way through. The wurms give up easily, and there's rest stop after the cave. The pinesoul and golems (3 of each) were blocking the access, and there were a few other scattered pinesoul and golems on the other side. If you're unlucky and the pinesoul have trapped the access, it could be tricky I guess.
Fourth Run: No Boss (Easy) - 3 imps and one pinesoul at boss spawn. Followed the imps in as usual. Only one wurm, near the cave mouth. The avicara were in two groups, one about halfway through the cave, the other with the pinesouls and golems outside. Clear path past the golems and pinesouls. I didn't count; might have been two of each. Clear sailing to the trolls from there.
Run 5: Poisonbough (Hard) - I don't know if this run is possible, to be honest. One wurm early, one near the cave mouth. They will chase you right into the golems that are partially blocking the exit area, so no chance to rest. I was able to throw balance and slipped past that group, but there's grawl and golems spread out pretty evenly all across the exit area... and the wurms are still following you. Died there.
Run 6: Clobberhusk (Hard) - Clobberhusk and one imp. Two pinesouls and one imp on the other side. There were also some siege golems that spawned right near that group, but moved away fairly quickly. Followed the imps in. Both wurms about 1/4 of the way into the cave, first avicara group about 1/2 through. All the remaining avicara, plus two sieges and pinesouls were waiting immediately outside the cave, no chance to evade them. Wurms still following. Died there.
Run 7: No Boss (Easy) - 3 Imps and Pinesoul where the boss normally is. One imp and one pinesoul on the right. There's an extra group of 3 imps on the far right side just before the cave, but there's space to get through when you follow the main patrol in. Wurms right near cave mouth, along with some avicara. The golems and pinesouls were well outside the cave mount, very easily avoidable. There was another group of pinesouls and golems pass the access, also easily avoidable.
Final Run: No Boss (Medium or Hard) - Two imps and pinesoul on right. There's a group of sieges to dodge immediately after. Followed the imps in as usual. Two wurms about 1/4 into the cave, avicara about 1/2 way. The golems and pinesouls were blocking the access, and the wurms were still chasing me. Died around there.
My build: Charge, Sprint, Balance, Endure Pain, Contemplation of Purity, Holy Veil, Mending, Healing Breeze
Equipment: Platemail (I need to get glads, ug) with Ascalon boots, Major Absorb and Vigor, Lieutenant's Helm, Collector's Stance shield, +27 health +5 armor sword.
Stats: 8 healing, 12 tactics, 12 strength
Jan 31, 2006, 08:11 PM // 20:11
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Switzerland
Now that Sword is interessting.... +27 Health AND +5 Armor Must be a mistake
@ Me NoFat: And you are helping me once more thanks
Feb 10, 2006, 01:21 AM // 01:21
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Hate to bump an old-ish thread, but this one seems more relevant to me instead of this other thread...
Me NoFat, have you ever encountered a spawn where there is no wurm at the first cave and fairly minimal amounts of Avicara and Grawl directly after it?
I just finished a run for someone, and I found it very odd when I breezed past the first cave...after the troll cave, that worm followed me for quite a bit.
I didn't get to check what boss was hiding up above though.
Feb 10, 2006, 01:41 AM // 01:41
Jungle Guide
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This thread is very helpful for experienced Droks runners. If you are just starting out or are not very successful it is best to read the other thread.
Personally I have never taken time to look at the bosses when I do the run but for now on I will start taking notes and I will add what I find.
Last edited by Sk8tborderx; Feb 10, 2006 at 09:30 AM // 09:30..
Feb 10, 2006, 06:03 AM // 06:03
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Originally Posted by Sk8tborderx
This thread is very helpful for experienced Droks runners. If you are just starting out or are not ver successful it is best to read the other thread.
Implying something, are we? Forget I asked the question in the first place, then.
Feb 11, 2006, 01:58 AM // 01:58
Theres No bad spawns. Unless i never experenced one out of 53 times, yes i count.
Feb 11, 2006, 03:10 AM // 03:10
Jungle Guide
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There are bad spawns that no one can make. There is no one that can make the Droks run 100% of the time. (Not including 55 monks)
Feb 11, 2006, 08:04 AM // 08:04
Krytan Explorer
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Originally Posted by Sk8tborderx
There are bad spawns that no one can make. There is no one that can make the Droks run 100% of the time. (Not including 55 monks)
Sk8* since I know you dont do 55 monk runs I will let you in on something. They can't do this run. Enchantment stripping = death. If you are a 55 and can do this run please message me.
Feb 11, 2006, 08:09 AM // 08:09
Krytan Explorer
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Originally Posted by koneko
Hate to bump an old-ish thread, but this one seems more relevant to me instead of this other thread...
Me NoFat, have you ever encountered a spawn where there is no wurm at the first cave and fairly minimal amounts of Avicara and Grawl directly after it?
This happens on a very rare occasion with the Clobberhusk boss. It is a very nice run. I usually see my dwarven friends in snake dance after this type of Lornars section. If you get a spawn like this then I say that Dwana is down on you.
Feb 11, 2006, 08:39 AM // 08:39
Krytan Explorer
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Originally Posted by Me NoFat
Sk8* since I know you dont do 55 monk runs I will let you in on something. They can't do this run. Enchantment stripping = death. If you are a 55 and can do this run please message me.
Feb 11, 2006, 09:04 AM // 09:04
Krytan Explorer
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Originally Posted by Gildor Took
Thanks for the link...looks like Cerb is the only one doing it and even he admits that it is not easy. Said in one post that he would not recommend running it for customers.
Now if somebody has a 55 monk build that is 100% successful as Sk8* implied in his post I would be interested. Sorry for not being specific.
Gildor I am still going to try this with my 55 monk for fun but as far as running it for money or friends goes it is W/Mo FTW IMO
Feb 12, 2006, 06:42 AM // 06:42
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Originally Posted by Me NoFat
This happens on a very rare occasion with the Clobberhusk boss. It is a very nice run. I usually see my dwarven friends in snake dance after this type of Lornars section. If you get a spawn like this then I say that Dwana is down on you.
Thank you for the reply
I've gotten this spawn twice recently, and was wondering if it was new/wasn't a fluke (bugged) run.
(I didn't get the Dwarven spawn in Snake Dance though...)
Feb 12, 2006, 08:15 PM // 20:15
Jungle Guide
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@ Me NoFat - I thought 55 monks could make it 100% of the time using SB. Maybe i was wrong but would like to test it out.
If anyone reading this has a 55 monk please PM me in-game if you are interested, I have a few ideas on how this could work. (Would do it myself but I don't have or want to have a 55 monk).
Feb 12, 2006, 08:28 PM // 20:28
Desert Nomad
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BTW what is it with the dwarf spawns in snakedance? I used to never get dwarfs, now I get them all the time... (like 80%) any ideas?
Feb 13, 2006, 12:00 AM // 00:00
Jungle Guide
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I have noticed the dwarf spawn started appearing a lot more since the wintersday update.
Feb 13, 2006, 04:34 AM // 04:34
Krytan Explorer
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It is supposed to be hard so not everyone can run to Droknar and get the maximum armor then go PvP in Ascalon Arena and rush through the missions.
Feb 15, 2006, 01:28 AM // 01:28
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I got three of the "hard" Poisonbough runs in a row.
:| This game hates me.
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